Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Immune System and Endometriosis

By Melissa Meyer Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Endometriosis Treating
Practical Methods To Effectively Control & Overcome
Symptoms Of Endo Once & For All - Guaranteed

Endometriosis is caused by series of cells forming within the uterus which are displaced. These cells remain in the uterus and grow and develop into painful adhesions. They are referred to by practitioners as retrograde cells.

After some research it was discovered that many woman actually experience these retrograde cells but were able to expel them quite easily thereby not developing the condition of Endometriosis. The main contributing factor why woman with Endometriosis are not able to expel these retrograde cells was a lowered immune system.

The immune system is lowered by many different factors within the body but the main contributor is found in the strength of the liver to overcome toxins and fight off diseases. When the liver is not functioning as it should be, the immune system is put under strain and is therefore not able to effectively fight off disease and toxins within the body. It is the role of the liver to aid in breaking down proteins and nutrients from the foods that we eat. If the food we eat is not broken down effectively and incomplete digested food finds its way into the blood stream, it is then handled by the immune system. The toxins found within these foods can then damage the cells of the various body organs, including our uterus and cause inflammation.

It has been proven that many women with Endometriosis feel a significant improvement in their health and ability to cope with Endometriosis by simply increasing the immune fighting elements within the body. Immune fighting foods include high levels of anti-oxidants and foods which contain high levels of Vitamin C. Sugar is a large contributor in lowering the immune system and should be eliminated from the diet completely initially to allow the immune system to work at its best.

The immune system will benefit dramatically by building up the liver function through a liver cleansing technique or aiding the liver function. Dandelion Root and Milk Thistle are able to aid the liver function by increasing bile function, which is responsible for expelling waste products from the body.

Exercise is a strong focus when increasing the immune system as it is able to expel excess toxins through sweat and adequate movement in the body, creating blood flow. By increasing exercise to a daily 30minute strategy, many women will experience dramatic improvement in both their immune system and ultimately the liver function.

We want to reduce any load on the liver through diet and exercise. We can reduce the work load on the liver by reducing medicated drugs, alcohol and caffeine. Choosing an easy to digest diet will naturally help the ability of the liver to cope with digestion. Light and low fat diets are recommended.

The immune system and liver are essential focal points when dealing with Endometriosis and it is highly beneficial to boost both areas with specific diet focus.

My advice is all through my personal experience with Endometriosis. I want to help as many woman as I can who suffer from this debilitating condition. I have found ways to deal and cure the condition for many woman and I share them all on my blog page:

I look forward to hearing from you on there!

Recommended Reading
Endometriosis Treating
Practical Methods To Effectively Control & Overcome
Symptoms Of Endo Once & For All - Guaranteed

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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sept. 05 - 2010 - All About Women Health Article -Endometriosis

5 Reasons We Have Pain With Endometriosis
By Melissa Meyer Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Endometriosis Treating
Practical Methods To Effectively Control & Overcome
Symptoms Of Endo Once & For All - Guaranteed

Endometriosis affects over 70 million woman worldwide. Many women confront debilitating pain with Endometriosis. The level of pain varies from one patient to another and the severity of the condition can also vary dramatically.

Here are 5 reasons why we experience pain:

1. Our level of Oestrogen in the body

The level of Oestrogen in the body will vary from one person to another. This can be controlled through diet and through regular exercise. When the levels of Oestrogen are high, the uterus develops a thicker lining during the monthly cycle. The thicker the lining becomes, the more dispersion of retrograde cells become present in the pelvic area. It is these cells which cause pain within Endometriosis sufferers as they cause adhesions and cysts.

2. Prostaglandins

These are cells responsible for blood clothing and inflammation and are found within the lining of the uterus. The thicker the lining becomes, the more prostaglandins will be present within the uterus and therefore the more pain sensors will be sent to the body.

3. Our Stress Levels

When we stress it is usually from an emotional cause. Stress at work is often due to an emotion, such as an inability to cope or a feeling of not succeeding. The way to control our stress levels will either aid or take away from our pain levels. With Endometriosis, patients experience high emotional imbalances, which can represent themselves in the way patients experience stress. Stress can easily be reduced through better diet, exercise and slowing down the mind activity.

4. Digestive Issues

A poor digestive function is a side-effect of Endometriosis. The fluctuations within bowel movements can greatly affect the pain levels within Endometriosis sufferers. By keeping a balanced diet with plenty of roughage and fruit, the pain associated with digestion can be substantially reduced.

5. Immune System

The immune system combats disease and is able to ward off infection within the body. If this area of the body is weak, we are likely to feel the effects of Endometriosis more. Other conditions may also flair up due to our lowered immune system. These include skin and eye sensitivities, food intolerances and allergies. To boost our immune system we encourage fast healing with immune boosting nutrients like Aloe Vera Juice, Noni Juice or other high anti-oxidants.

Endometriosis is a condition which is often associated with high levels of pain. We can overcome the pain through many options. It is however important to note that a signal of pain within the body is a way of telling us that there is an imbalance inside of us that needs attention.

The sooner we acknowledge and find the source of the imbalance, the sooner we can resolve the condition and its associated pain.

My advice is all through my personal experience with Endometriosis. I want to help as many woman as I can who suffer from this debilitating condition. I have found ways to deal and cure the condition for many woman and I share them all on my blog page:

I look forward to hearing from you on there!

Recommended Reading
Endometriosis Treating
Practical Methods To Effectively Control & Overcome
Symptoms Of Endo Once & For All - Guaranteed

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