Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July 21 - 2010 - All About Women Health Article -Endometriosis

Endometriosis - You Are What You Eat
By Shelley Ross Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Endometriosis Treating
Practical Methods To Effectively Control & Overcome
Symptoms Of Endo Once & For All - Guaranteed

Endometriosis is a serious condition that affects women. It occurs when tissues similar to the endometrial stroma and glands that line the uterus, show up in other areas of the body, instead of only existing within the uterus.

These rebel tissues are known as endometriosis lesions, and are usually found anywhere within the pelvic region (IE. Fallopian tubs, ovaries, pelvic sidewall, etc.). Due to the prime location of the endometriosis lesions, the most common symptom of this medical condition is pelvic pain.

There is no cure for endometriosis; therefore, women with the condition need to seek effective treatment that will help them control the symptoms that plague them, particularly during their menstruation cycle. While many women seek medical therapy, others find that by simply controlling their diet they are successfully living a symptom free life.

How can a diet improve endometriosis symptoms?
An endometriosis diet works to relieve and/or prevent some of the severe symptoms experienced during menstruation such as:

o Backache

o Fatigue

o Severe cramping

o Menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding)

o Dysmenorrhea (pain or discomfort)

o Dyspareunia (pain in the pelvic or vaginal region during intercourse)

The objective of a controlled diet is to reduce estrogen levels, increase the body's energy level, relieve painful cramps, normalize hormones and stabilize emotions.

It has become evident that endometriosis is an estrogen-sensitive condition. However, the severe cramping that a woman experiences, is typically a result of prostaglandin synthesis in her body.

Prostaglandins are fatty acids that naturally occur from dietary phospholipids. Prostaglandins can be broken down into three separate groups:

1. Prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) - This form helps to relieve symptoms of endometriosis

2. Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) - This form encourages menorrhagia

3. Prostaglandin F2a (PGF2a) - This form can lead to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Essentially, when combined, PGE2 and PGF2a create the severe symptoms women who suffer from endometriosis experience during menstruation. However, the right change in diet can actually block the production of PGE2 and PGF2a and increase the production of PGE1 to help overcome symptoms.

The following is how such a diet can be achieved.

Fatty acids: It is known that fatty acids such as saturated fats, lard, butter and animal and organ meet increase the amount of PGF2a that is produced, while omega-3 fatty acids such as evening primrose oil, flax seeds and oil, pumpkin seeds, sunflower oil and walnut oil increase production of PGE1. Therefore, when a woman decreases the amount of "bad fat" in her diet, she will experience positive results.

Fiber: Aside from decreasing the intake of bad fat, women seeking dietary treatment for their endometriosis should have a diet high in fiber. A high fiber diet (approximately 25 grams per day) can reduce the amount of circulating estrogens. Good sources of fiber are beans, brown rice, fruits and vegetables, oatmeal and whole grains.

Dairy: Just like bad fats can increase symptoms, so can diary products. Unfortunately, dairy is a fantastic source of calcium. Therefore, if a woman chooses to eliminate diary from her diet, she needs to find other calcium sources by either taking supplements or eating foods that contain the mineral such as almonds, dark green veggies (IE. spinach, kale, broccoli, etc.), Figs, sesame seeds, etc.

Other food that should be avoided during menstruation includes caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, fried foods, salt, sugar and refined carbohydrates (IE bread, cake, pastries, pasta, etc.)

Finally, depending on what a woman feels needs to be eliminated from her diet during menstruation, she may need to consider taking supplements in order to maintain a healthy diet. Before taking supplements, women should consult their doctor.

Sign up for Shelley Ross' free newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover more about Endometriosis [http://www.treatendometriosis.com?source=ez]. In the newsletter you'll receive regular information like this article on Foods to avoid with Endometriosis [http://www.treatendometriosis.com/endometriosis.html?source=ez] along with additional information on recognizing Endometriosis Symptoms [http://treatendometriosis.com/blog].


  1. Hmm, I've heard that the phytoestrogrens in flax can make endo worse.

  2. I have endometrios since i was 17... Now im 27 and im sure: no diets helps...i feel pain and life with endometrios is an half life! So sad. Ps sorry for my bad english...im italian.

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